First Grade
Lana’s Cool School the first grade tutoring program provides children with the necessary skills for elementary school, such as reading , writing and math.
First grade tutoring in reading will focus on basic conceptual awareness and phonics skills. Lana’s Cool school tutoring will work with your child on sounding out words, learning sight words and improving reading comprehension. In math, we will be likely to help your child on basic number sense skills and provide practice for addition and subtraction.
If your child wasn’t able quickly develop foundational language arts and writing skills in kindergarten then he/she start first grade with very limited writing ability ,mainly using verbal skills to communicate. The key development in first grade writing is to bridge the gap between spoken language and printed words.
Lana’s Cool school writing activities offer these three fundamental types of writing (sometimes called "composition") that children learn about and practice in kindergarten and first grade:
• Opinion Writing
• Informative Writing
• Narrative Writing
In advance, your child also will learn about correct sentence writing practices, as they’ll be expected to write short compositions displaying their knowledge of each text type and structure.